Wednesday, July 18, 2018


What do you know about DIALYSIS....?

Indication for Dialysis.

  1. Oliguria (less than 200ml in 12 hours)
  2. Anuria (0-50ml in 12 hours)
  3. Urea over 35 mmol/L
  4. Creatinine over 400mmol/L
  5. Potassium over 6.5mmol/L
  6. Refractory pulmonary oedema
  7. Metabolic acidosis with pH less than 7.10
  8. Hypernatremia over 160mmol/L
  9. Hyponatremia under 110 mmol/L
  10. Temperature over 40°C
  11. Complications of uraemia: encephalopathy, pericarditis, myopathy or neuropathy
  12. Overdose with a dialysable toxin

Renal Replacement Therapy

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Knowledge about best Diet

What should you know about select best diet?????

Food Based Dietary Guidelines for Sri Lankans (FBDG) Download
FBDG are science based recommendations for healthy eating. Nutrition information was disseminated through sustainable food based approaches that encourage dietary diversification through the production and consumption of micronutrient rich foods, including appropriate local and traditional foods.
People understand and eat foods and not nutrients, dietary advice based on foods rather than nutrients, will be more likely to be followed, and there fore more likely to lead to beneficial changes in food consumption patterns, nutrient intakes and ultimately health and nutritional status of individuals and populations.

Healthy lifestyle questionnaire

Place an X over the yes  circle to answer yes. If you answer no , make no mark and score the questionnaire using the score system.


  1. I accumulate 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week (brisk walking, stair climbing, yard work, or home chores).
  2. I do vigorous activity that elevates my heart rate for 20 minutes at least 3 days a week.
  3. I do exercises for flexible at least 3 days a week.
  4. I do exercises for muscle fitness at least 2 days a week.
  5. I eat three regular meals each day.
  6. I select appropriate servings from the major food groups each day.
  7. I restrict the amount of fat in my diet.
  8. I consume only as many calories as I expend each day.
  9. I am able to identify situations in daily life that cause stress.
  10. I take time out during the day to relax and recover from daily stress.
  11. I find time for family, friend, and things I especially enjoy doing.
  12. I regularly perform exercises design to relieve tension.
  13. I do not smoke or use other tobacco products.    
  14. I do not abuse alcohol.
  15. I do not abuse drugs. (prescription or illegal)
  16. I take over- the- counter drugs sparingly and use them only according to directions.
  17. I abstain from sex or limit sexual activity to a safe partner.
  18. I practice safe procedures for avoiding sexually transmitted infections (STI).
  19. I use seat belts and adhere to the speed limit when I drive.
  20. I have a smoke detector in my house and check it regularly to see that it is working.
  21. I have had training to perform CPR if called on in an emergency.
  22. I can perform the Heimlich maneuver effectively if called an emergency.
  23.  I brush my teeth at least two times a day and floss at least once a day.
  24. I get an adequate amount of sleep each night.
  25. I do regular self exams, have regular medical checkups and seek medical advice when symptoms are present.
  26. When I receive advice and/ or medication from a physician, I follow the advice and take the medication as prescribed.
  27. I read product labels and investigate their effectiveness before I buy them.
  28. I avoid using products that have not been shown by research to be effective.
  29. I recycle paper, glass and aluminium.
  30. I practice environmental protection such as carpooling and energy conservation.   

Score Protocol>>>

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